Sunday, December 6, 2015

Project 3- Balance and Contrast

In this project, we used different types of contrast in photos including contrast in texture, scale, and color.  We also made 2 diptychs and 2 triptychs, and 3 kaleidoscopes.  We also included radial balance, asymmetry, and symmetry.  


 Contrast in color - Black and white are opposites, and picture includes asymmetry 

 Contrast in scale - objects are close and far, to change objects size.

Contrast in texture- smooth v. rough

Contrast in texture- My dogs soft fur and rough hard bark, also had symmetry 


 This was a picture of bamboo, and the kaleidoscope created an interesting bend in the bamboo

I like this kaleidoscope because the leaves make a frame on the bricks
 This was a picture of a really colorful plant, and when I made it into a kaleidoscope it created a diamond with a shape in the center.

This was a leading lines shot of some writing on a brick wall, and I made an X when making it into a kaleidoscope. 

 I put a soccer ball in three different backgrounds to create a triptych with symmetry
I used three pictures of red leaves to create a red-leaf themed triptych


 I put two motion pictures of my friend and I skateboarding and added a B&W to create this diptych
These pictures are lights moving quickly in a dark room.  When I combined them, they looked like one picture with two light movements, instead of a diptych.