Friday, March 18, 2016

Project 7 - Surrealism and Photo Montage

In this photo I am windsurfing on clouds.  The other objects are completely out of scale which also 
makes this surrealistic and interesting.

This is a more intense edit.  To make it, I put into HDR Pro in Photoshop and put a surrealistic filter on it.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Project 7 Pre-Work

Surrealism- It started up in the 20th century and aims at expressing dream like aesthetics without rational control.

Major Surreal Artists

Max Ernst - known for shocking others with his dream-like work


Jean Arp - Some of his work is in the Museum of Modern Art in New Yokrk


More Photographers

salem's lot | Salem's lot:        

Jim Bodine^

Caras Ionut^

Erik Johansson