Monday, November 9, 2015

Project 2- Color and Grids

In this project we put pictures in grids in creative ways and took pictures that would express certain colors or color schemes.  I have one picture that sets the mood, and 5 grids, which show monochrome, cool colors, warm colors, and complementary colors.  

Complementary Colors

I used the complementary colors green and red in this grid.  I put red and green nature pictures in a checkered pattern.  Then I reflected that over to finish the grid.  It's interesting how the reflected pictures mold together and there is no grid line there.

Cool colors

The photo in this grid is a section of a tree.  I put a cool blue tint on it to create the cool color effect.  I flipped the photo multiple times in each column, and then added spaces in between each column because it looks wavy when you look at it a certain way.

Warm colors

To make this grid, I simply took different parts of a sunset picture I took in my backyard.  I zoomed in and rotated parts so each section of the grid cannot be distinguished as one clear photo.


I used different pictures of bricks that I have taken over the course of the school year.  I put them together in a brick design to make it more interesting and added an orange background to complete the monochrome effect.


This is a photo of a very colorful plant I found on a walk.  I took advantage of each color in the plant and captured every color I saw in one picture.  This photo sets a very cheerful and jubilant mood because of all the bright colors.  I brought up the saturation a tad to add the mood.

Warm Colors

This is my second warm colors grid.  Because I had so many natural pictures with warm colors, I put them together to create another warm colors grid,  I even included my first warm colors grid as one of my sections of the grid.

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